Friday, November 02, 2007

That 'media bias'?

Fox News' Chris Wallace had this to say Wednesday, October 31, on the media's 'bias' with the Iraq occupation;
"There is bias in the media … Do you know how many American soldiers were killed either in direct action or even in accidents in Iraq in the month of October? Thirty-four … That story is untold. I haven’t heard it anyplace except Fox News ….You don’t see it in The New York Times. You don’t see it in The Washington Post."
Well, first of all, there ended up being 39 Americans killed in Iraq in October. That's good news, unless of course, you're a parent, a spouse, or a loved one, of one of the 39.

But, "haven't heard it anyplace except Fox News"? Wallace, in true Fox News form, is a liar.

Here's a portion of the results I found with a simple Google search;

CBS was talking about the decline in deaths back on Oct. 23.

ABC News was also reporting on it back on Oct. 23.

MSNBC covered it some 10 days ago.

And Wallace specifically called out the NY Times and the Washington Post -- Well, what about this quote from the New York Times the day before he said that? "Their deaths brought the number of American troops killed in October to 36, the second lowest number of deaths in a month since October 2005..."

Here's a story from the AP before Wallace said that.

Here's another story from the Associated Press written 10 days ago about the decline in U.S. deaths.

The Detroit Free Press had the story on October 24.

The Boston Globe wrote about it six days ago.

CNSNews way back in the middle of October.

And hell, the Washington Post was touting the numbers being down in September!

Is there any wonder why Fox News viewers are the most ignorant and most uninformed people in the U.S.?

There's 'media bias', all right --- And it's on Fox.

h/t - Think Progress