Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Scroll #39 - a

The Limbaugh Award

It was another barnburner of a selection this week with the Committee once again deadlocked, and requiring me - for the fourth time in this award's long history - to intervene and use my role as the tiebreaker. And, my selection is, Mr. T. Boone Pickens - the 39th recipient of the 'prestigious, but infamous', award to the liar of the week.

Exactly half of the world-renown Committee wanted to select Karl Rove. 'Turd Blossom', no stranger to the Limbaugh Award, having won twice before, week #9 and week #26, gave it a good shot with his attempt to revise history with his joke on the Charlie Rose Show that the "The administration was opposed to voting on it [Iraq war authorization] in the fall of 2002.”

What a liar that Turd Blossom is ...

But, I had to go with that big-mouth, 'all hat - no cattle', lying redneck cowboy, T. Boone Pickens.

As you remember, Pickens opened his mouth on two recent occasions challenging 'anyone who could prove the Swift Boat Liars were wrong'; he'd give them a million dollars. And as you know, John Kerry took him up on that offer.

And what happened with Mr. T. Boone Pickens when John Kerry accepted his challenge? Ol' T. Boone cut and ran and welshed on his bet.

You owe John Kerry $1 million dollars, cowboy -- And you're also a liar, who just became, #39.

[More on T. Boone at Brad Blog]