Thursday, November 15, 2007

I love this graph

What's that old proverb, a picture is worth a 1,000 words? Well, this graph is worth 9 trillion words.

Check out how well all those phony-conservative Republicans have done when it comes to our national debt. As I have written here many times; there's nothing 'conservative' about Republicans when it comes to fiscal matters.

Sure, they are 'social' conservatives who want to control what you do in your homes and bedrooms --- and they sit back and remain silent when our constitutional rights are violated. But they are miserable failures with fiscal policy and the truth is in the graph above.

Notice that under Carter, the debt went down -- Under Clinton it went down. But, under the two Bush's and the biggest phony-conservative of all time, Ronnie Reagan, it sky-rocketed!

And also notice, this graph stopped in 2005 at $7.5 trillion and what is it now, wingnuts? Well since you're in total denial, I'll remind you -- It's $9.1 trillion!

It's gone from $5.6 trillion to $9.1 trillion under the current big-spending, bankrupting fool, that 62 million idiots voted for.

Nice job, wingnuts -- You're all phonies.

Thanks to Gordo over at The Liberal Avenger