Former president Bill Clinton has emerged as a clear asset in his wife's campaign for the White House, with Americans offering high ratings to his eight years in office and a solid majority saying they would be comfortable with him as first spouse, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.Sixty-three percent - the exact same approval rating he had when he left office, which is the highest approval rating of any president ever. And, that's just the 'Independents'.
... Two-thirds of Americans said they approve of the job [Clinton] did while he was in office -- virtually the reverse of President Bush's current approval rating, which stands at 33 percent. Clinton remains overwhelmingly popular among Democrats, and 63 percent of independents and even a third of Republicans also gave him positive marks.
Of course, it's hard to forget all that peace and prosperity during the Clinton years; Four consecutive balanced budgets, lowest unemployment in 40 years, 22 million (250,000 a month!) new jobs, [and Wal-Mart wasn't the biggest employer, either] peace for our country and respect from the world instead of disdain.
Clinton had to clean up the mess left from the first Bush [7.5% unemployment and record breaking deficits] so is another Clinton going to have clean up the mess left by another Bush? Somebody will have to.
Damn, those were the days!