Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's a Fox poll, what did you think they'd say?

Nearly one out of every five Democrats thinks the world will be better off if America loses the war in Iraq, according to the FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll released Thursday.

The percentage of Democrats (19 percent) who believe that is nearly four times the number of Republicans (5 percent) who gave the same answer. Seven percent of independents said the world would be better off if the U.S. lost the war.
Fuck that, there's no goddamn way that many people feel that way!

First of all, we won that war a long time ago. What we've done since the fall of Baghdad is ride around policing and occupying that country which isn't what our military is trained to do. When it comes to doing what our troops are suppose to do, there isn't any way possible for us to 'lose' a war.

Fox is full of shit anyway. There's absolutely no way in hell that one in five Democrats, or even 5% of Republicans or 7% of 'independents', feel that way.

Just how low can Opinion Dynamics Corp and Fox News sink? Call me up conducting a 'phone' poll and I'll tell you I'm a Republican and I hate America.