Dick Cheney was caught dozing off on live television during an emergency cabinet meeting called on Wednesday to coordinate federal efforts to deal with the devastating California wildfires.
[And of course, we all remember Cheney when China's president Hu visited the White House.]
Didn't that already happen?

Uh oh ... not what they signed up for
“Facing staff shortages in Iraq, the State Department announced Friday that diplomats would have no choice but to accept one-year postings in the hostile environment or face losing their jobs.”
What building?

After a late morning photo-op with King Abdullah, Mrs. Bush rushed back to Washington to be at her husband's side when he signed his veto on health care for 10 million American kids.
He can pretend, can't he?
Speaking at Columbia University today for the culmination of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, right winger David Horowitz compared the negative reception his campaign has received on campus to the recent incident of a noose being hung on the door of a black professor at Columbia. Horowitz claimed, "nooses have been put figuratively on the doors of the College Republicans"...W
Even Republicans are tired of Bush's leaks!
Bush has consistently refused to comment on leaked claims that US intelligence believes the target of an Israeli raid in Syria on September 6 was a nuclear rector being built for Syria by North Korea. Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-MI), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, and Rep. Ileana Ross-Lehtinen (R-FL), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, say that they have been briefed on the intelligence but many members of Congress have not. They are accusing the administration in a Wall Street Journal op-ed of "using selective leaks", thereby "preventing due diligence and oversight." $12 billion a month wasn't enough
Bush has sent an emergency request to the U.S. Congress for an extra $46 billion in expedited funds for Iraq, Afghanistan and other national security needs. VOA White House correspondent Paula Wolfson reports the money is in addition to the $145 billion in war-related spending included in his original 2008 budget.
[$14-$15 billion a month for Iraq. Congress wants to provide health insurance for 10 million kids for a mere $7 billion a year, and wingnuts (20% total, anyway) go ballistic.]
George W. Bush, despite all his recent bravado about being an apostle of small government and budget-slashing, has spent the most of any president since Lyndon B. Johnson. In fact, he's arguably an even bigger spender than LBJ. "He's a big-government guy," said Stephen Slivinski, director of budget studies at the Cato Institute, a libertarian research group.
[And, keep in mind -- That graphic only shows discretionary spending.]
The Limbaugh Award
Ladies and gentlemen, after an almost 6 month hiatus, Bill 'Loofa' O'Reilly, the uncultured wussy, (as opposed to 'culture warrior') has once again won the prestigious, but infamous, Limbaugh Award.
O'Reilly, who also won week #11, won this week by spending a good part of it accusing CNN and MSNBC of "ignoring the Medal of Honor awarded to Lieutenant Michael Murphy", in their news coverage.
But, as Media Matters pointed out, on the day Bush presented the award to Lt. Murphy's parents, Oct. 22, CNN ran seven news stories and MSNBC ran five, on the honor bestowed upon, Lt. Michael P. Murphy.
Sort of reminds me of another flag-waving, pom-pom twirling, phony-patriot chickenhawk, who wrote a comment on my post about Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, whining that the New York Times had not written about him.
Well, the New York Times wrote their story on Lt. Murphy, pom-pom boy -- Where's yours?
Back to the task at hand. Congratulations, O'Reilly - You're #35.
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh Award
Phony Patriot Liar - Rush Limbaugh - 10/21/07
Old Kentucky Homo - Mitch McConnell - 10/14/07
Liar-In-Chief - George W. Bush - 10/7/07
Phony Patriot Pig - Rush Limbaugh - 9/30/07
Big Stretch 'the truth' - Bill Sammon - 9/23/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 9/16/07
Sycophant - General Petraeus - 9/9/07
His own Idaho - Sen. Craig R-Idaho - 9/2/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 8/26/07
The Exterminator - Tom Delay - 8/19/07
Big 'Rooster' - Mitt Romney - 8/12/07
Total Suck Up - Glenn Beck - 8/5/07
General Gonzo - Alberto Gonzales - 7/29/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 7/22/07
Bush bin Lyin - George W. Bush - 7/15/07
Freed Felon - Scooter Libby - 7/8/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 7/1/07
Crazy Lying Okie - James Inhofe - 6/24/07
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used Car Salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07