Shut up and fight!
US troops in Iraq have reacted angrily to Pentagon restrictions aimed at curbing internet postings from war zones. The Pentagon cited the risk of providing sensitive information to insurgents. Blogs and emails from troops in the field can often be extraordinarily vivid and indiscreet. ...Reacting to the ban, soldiers said the real reason for the curbs were their negative comments about the war, including scepticism about George Bush's claims about progress. Read the entire article here
William F. Buckley Jr.
Treasonous Surrender Monkey
"It was four years ago that Mr. Cheney first observed that there was a real fear that each fallen terrorist leads to the materialization of another terrorist. What can a “surge,” of the kind we are now relying upon, do to cope with endemic disease? The parallel even comes to mind of the eventual collapse of Prohibition, because there wasn’t any way the government could neutralize the appetite for alcohol, or the resourcefulness of the freeman in acquiring it."
Perfect for the job

Tommy Thompson: “I think that is left up to the individual business. I really sincerely believe that that is an issue that business people have got to make their own determination as to whether or not they should be.” The moderator appeared a bit startled: “OK, so the answer is yes?” Thompson replied, “Yes.”
Senior U.S. and Iranian officials met at a crucial international conference on Iraq on Friday but mediators failed to arrange a meeting at a higher level between the two old foes. The meeting in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh was another step away from the Bush administration's longstanding policy of avoiding contact with governments which actively oppose its policies in the Middle East. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem in Sharm el-Sheikh on Thursday -- the first contact at this level in more than two years. Thanks, Madam Speaker - some one had to take the lead.
The Ghost of Reagan?

This 2 minutes and 25 seconds is well worth the time.
And, it sets the record straight.
Street Sense

Calvin Borel rides Street Sense to victory in the 133rd Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky.,
8 over 1

Jamestown 400 years later
"Four hundred years equals seven or eight lifetimes. The 400th anniversary of Jamestown must seem a universe removed from modern America, however. A trio of little wooden ships carried 104 brave English souls into uncharted territory where most of them would die within the next two years. Odds were not good for the survival of strangers outnumbered 145-1 by the nearly 15,000 Native Americans in the coastal area.
Famed John Smith didn’t see Jamestown the first day because he was locked up on one of the three ships sailing into the peninsula on May 14, 1607".
The buck doesn't stop here

True Grit

A change in the 'simple life'

Today a long time ago
The Sack of Rome on May 6, 1527 by the troops of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, marked a crucial imperial victory in the conflict between the Holy Roman Empire and the League of Cognac (1526–1529) — the alliance of France, Milan, Venice, Florence and the Papacy....After the execution of some 1,000 defenders, the pillage began. Churches and monasteries, but also palaces of prelates and cardinals, were destroyed and spoiled of any precious object. Nuns and other women were freely raped; men were tortured and killed. Even the pro-imperial cardinals had to pay to save their riches from the ruthless soldiers.
Land of Oz

The Limbaugh/HD Award
This week's winner of the Limbaugh/HD Award is none other than the phony unsecular unprogressive, uncultured wussy, Mr. Falafel himself, Bill O'Reilly!

During an interview on The O'Reilly Factor this week with George Tenet, O'Reilly claimed that ""at the beginning of the war in Iraq, "everybody in the country [was] behind it, except the kooks.""
Kooks? I beg your pardon, Mr. Uncultured Wussy.
One of the worst types of liars is the 'revisionist' liar. O'Reilly is a revisionist liar. He knows more Congressional Democrats voted against invading Iraq than voted for it, but that doesn't fit well with the point he's trying to make with Tenet and the sheep that watch that liar.
Sure, 79% of the American public wanted to invade Iraq. But, that doesn't mean the other 21% of us are 'kooks'. In fact, as it's turned out, it's the other way around, isn't it?
MORE Congressional Democrats voted NO!
We certainly aren't all 'kooks' here in the Great State of Michigan. I'm very proud of my state's Democratic representation when it came time to stand up to those we now know were lying.
Both of Michigan's Democratic Senators, Carl Levin and Deb Stabenow voted 'no'. That was during the 107th Congress and Michigan had 16 U.S. Representatives, with nine of them Democrats. Eight out of the nine Michigan Democratic U.S. Representatives voted 'no'. [for you wingnuts who can't reach your toes, that's 10 out of 11]
We're not kooks here in Michigan. If it would have been up to us, we wouldn't be in 'Messopotamia'.
We're not the kooks Falafel Man. You and the 79% are. And you're also the 11th winner of the award given here weekly at done that to pathological liars, the infamous Limbaugh/HD, asshole. Congratulations. - You rock, MediaMatters
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh/HD Award
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07