Friday, September 21, 2007

Yeah George, let's control spending ...

Bush Threatens Veto of Child Health Bill

Bush, bracing for a series of battles with Congress over spending, threatened today to veto a bill expanding a popular children’s health insurance program, calling it “a step toward federalization of health care.”

The program expires Sept. 30, and Congress is on the verge of renewing it by providing coverage to an additional 4 million children over the 6.6 million already enrolled — at an additional cost of $35 billion over five years. Mr. Bush says the bill would expand a program aimed at helping the poor beyond its original intent.
Thirty-Five billion dollars, even over a five year period, are some serious dollars. That seven billion dollars a year, for those four million kids, could pay for almost a whole three weeks of Bush's war in Iraq.

That seven billion dollars could also pay 10 days of interest on our nation's debt.

Speaking of 'original intent', Mr. Bush ...