Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's Democrats who support the troops

Following is the 56-to-44 roll call vote by which the Senate refused to consider an amendment that would have required troops spend as much time at home training with their units as they spend deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan. On this vote, a “yes” vote was a vote in favor of an amendment and a “no” vote was a vote against it. Supporters fell four votes shy of the 60 they needed to bring the amendment up as part of a defense bill. Voting “yes” were 49 Democrats, 6 Republicans and 1 independent. Voting “no” were 0 Democrats, 43 Republicans and 1 independent.
Same shit, different vote. Once again it is obvious which party has the interests of our service men and women in mind.

I would hope the American public is keeping track of all these congressional votes.