Saturday, September 29, 2007

Glad it's not my sons you're playing politics with

GOP Senators Call for End to Iraq War, but Only After Bush Leaves Office

"A small group of Republicans facing election fights next year have rallied around war legislation they think could unite the GOP: Call for an end to U.S. combat in Iraq, but wait until President Bush is almost out of office.

The proposal, by Sen. George Voinovich, R-Ohio, would require that Bush change the mission of U.S. troops from combat to primarily support roles, such as training Iraqi security forces and protecting U.S. infrastructure in Iraq. His legislation would set a goal of completing such a mission transition within 15 months.

If enacted immediately, that timeline would not kick in until Bush's last couple weeks in office.

Co-sponsors of the bill include Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Elizabeth Dole of North Carolina and Norm Coleman of Minnesota. Of the sponsors, only Voinovich is not up for re-election in 2008."
I realize the fucking rednecks in Tennessee and North Carolina don't care, but I would hope the people of the great state of Minnesota remember Norm Coleman playing politics and caring more about his re-election than our troops, come November 08.