Tuesday, September 18, 2007

$110 billion ... Is that all?

Clinton calls for universal health care

"Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton called for universal health care on Monday ... In unveiling her plan, she called for a requirement for businesses to obtain insurance for employees, and said the wealthy should pay higher taxes to help defray the cost for those less able to pay for it. She put the government's cost at
$110 billion a year."

One hundred and ten BILLION dollars a year? -- Damn, that's only $22 billion less than what Bush is pissing away in Iraq each year!

Hillary should just save her time and money and come out with a campaign commercial endorsing the Republican candidate. Regardless of how she attempts to sell her plan, the wingnuts are going to spin it as, 'government health care' that will ruin the 'best' health care system in the world. It's not 'government' health care and our doctors aren't going anywhere.

But damn -- $110 billion? How could we ever afford to preemptively and needlessly invade and occupy another country if we spend that kind of money on health care?

And, I'm also a little curious about Hillary's math. $110 billion divided by 47 million people comes to only $2,340 per year, or $195 per month. That sounds a little light to me. Can you get health insurance for $195 a month? It could be catastrophic insurance, I guess ... But then that wouldn't jive with the popular plea for providing 'preventive' health care for the uninsured, though would it?

I know the thought of providing health care for every American sounds like the right thing to do and the thought makes people feel all fuzzy inside --
Just don't crunch the numbers on the cost because you will come down with a bad case of fiscal reality.

Doesn't look good.