Saturday, August 11, 2007

We don't need a draft, we just need the

Big-Mouthed Chickenhawks to step up to the plate
The top US military officer in charge of coordinating the war effort in Iraq says that it makes sense to consider a return of the draft to meet the military's needs.

Lieutenant General Douglas Lute, who serves as the White House deputy national security adviser, says the all-volunteer military is serving "exceedingly well" and the administration has not decided it needs to be replaced with a draft.

But in an interview with National Public Radio, he says a return of the draft is worth considering.
Why has it come to General Lute talking about a draft?

There are 300 million people in the U.S. Let's say for the sake of argument that 1/3 are children, 1/3 are women and the other 1/3 are men. That gives us 100 million men.

Let's say half of those men are under the age of 42, which is the maximum age the Army is now taking into their ranks. (I'll wait a second for the feebleminded auto parts inspector to go get his calculator) Okay, got it? That leaves 50 million eligible men for the Army.

Twenty-five percent of Americans are still fully in support of the George Bush's war. (hit X .25) That gives us, 12,500,000 (I know the zeroes will confuse you, that's 12.5 million - with a 'm') able-bodied men who should be more than willing to jump in and help the good General out.

Where are all these guys?

We don't need a draft. We just need all those big-mouthed Chickenhawks to step up to the plate.