Friday, August 10, 2007

Iraqis refuse to bend over for Bush & Big Oil

What Unites Iraqis: Blocking Western Petroleum Companies From Seizing Control of Their Oil

If passed, the Bush administration's long-sought "hydrocarbons framework" law would give Big Oil access to Iraq's vast energy reserves on the most advantageous terms and with virtually no regulation. Meanwhile, a parallel law carving up the country’s oil revenues threatens to set off a fresh wave of conflict in the shell-shocked country.
And it was never 'about the oil'. Yeah, sure it wasn't.

Sorry George, as with everything you've done, your plan, just like your entire time in office, is a miserable failure.

You've brought the Iraqis together on one issue anyway, and that's that they are united against you pillaging their country's oil reserves for your oil buddies.

Looks like the American taxpayers will be picking up the tab for the entire $1 trillion you wasted there.

Come to think of it, the oil companies weren't going to pay us taxpayers back anyway. But your plan for the taxpayers to fund your 'Big Oil' buddies additional record profits didn't quite work out like you planned, did it?