Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi & Admiral Mullen

January 5, 2007 - excerpt from a letter Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi sent to George Bush;
"We want to do everything we can to help Iraq succeed in the future but, like many of our senior military leaders, we do not believe that adding more U.S. combat troops contributes to success. They, like us, believe there is no purely military solution in Iraq. There is only a political solution." [link]
July 31, 2007 - Confirmation hearing for Joint Chiefs nominee, Admiral Michael G. Mullens;
"In written responses to committee questions, Mullen warned that "there is no purely military solution in Iraq" and that the country's politicians "need to view politics and democracy as more than just majority rule, winner-take-all, or a zero-sum game." [link]
Did our new nominee for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, rip off Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for his explicit, and oh so true, line in his written statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee, yesterday?

Probably not. It's more than likely a simple matter of all three of them being right.

And Pelosi and Reid have just been telling the truth to our country a lot longer.

We as a country should have heeded their advice when they gave it seven months ago.

Nothing else needs to be written .... The Democrats, led by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have been right all along and our highest military commanders are now just merely confirming it.

Wake up sheople! You have been following the wrong herders.