On the Proposed FISA Legislation
August 1, 2007
"We need to wiretap terrorists, and we should address the problem that has been identified with FISA with respect to foreign-to-foreign communications. But the administration’s overly broad proposal goes far beyond that and would leave critical decisions related to surveillance involving Americans entirely up to the Attorney General. The proposal from the Democratic leadership is better and involves FISA court review from the start. But it does not have adequate safeguards to protect Americans’ privacy. The bill should also include a 90-day sunset to ensure Congress has the chance to identify and fix any problems with this new proposal."According to mcjoan at the Daily Kos, Russ Feingold received a classified briefing on the 'new' FISA legislation from our relatively new Director of National Intelligence, Mike McConnell , and above is the response Feingold released on his website.
As far as I am concerned, if Russ Feingold, the only Senator to vote 'no' on the Patriot Act and the most trustworthy man in Congress, says there are problems with the 'new' FISA legislation, then either make the corrections, or tear the goddamn thing up and start over.
The new FISA laws "leave critical decisions entirely up to the Attorney General"?? Up to Alberto Gonzales? That's a joke, right?
When it comes to my Constitutional protections against my government intruding on my privacy rights, I want Russell Feingold representing me! Period.