Thursday, July 19, 2007

Something well worth the time

Yesterday I had the good fortune of listening to maybe the most stimulating and informative conversation that I can ever remember listening to.

On Thom Hartmann's radio show he had as his guest, Bruce Fein, a true 'Constitutional' conservative - Not the phony, current-day religious-right, social conservative, or even one who is adamantly fiscally conservative, but one who truly understands what those who wrote our Constitution warned us about; The unchecked power of government.

Here, I'll set this up by paraphrasing Thom Hartmann's introduction of Mr. Fein, which you can also listen to at the audio link below;
"Bruce Fein is a Constitutional scholar and lawyer and an international consultant for Bruce Fein & Associates and the Litchfield Group and is affiliated with conservative think tanks, American Enterprise Institute and The Heritage Foundation.

He served in the Justice Department during the Reagan administration as General Counsel in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and currently writes for the Washington Times and Mr. Fein is also currently the Chairman of".
And by the way, if those credentials don't convince you of Mr. Fein's 'conservatism', you should also know that he was one of the authors of the original articles of impeachment against William Jefferson Clinton.

If you have a 'spare' 45 minutes, and you want to listen to two of the brightest men you might ever want to listen to; A brilliant liberal, and an equally brilliant real conservative, listen to this. You won't regret it.

And one more tidbit if you have even made it down this far on this post, [Man, I feel like such a political lightweight after listening to men like Fein and Hartmann] and that's a comment about Hartmann.

Thom Hartmann is on the radio each day from 12PM to 3PM on Air America - in direct competition with Rush Limbaugh - and after listening to him and his 'adult' and 'mature' conversation with one of the country's most [real] conservative men you don't realize that Limbaugh sounds foolish and immature in comparison, there's no help for you - You are intellectually bankrupt.

Listen to the audio and learn something.

American Enterprise Institute
The Heritage Foundation