Friday, July 20, 2007

As opposed to, beating a dead horse ...

... I'll beat on a 'live' one

I had no intention of giving another dose of Thom Hartmann but as long as he keeps interviewing these very distinguished and classic, 'true' conservatives, I'll keep giving out the link and you can decide if you want to listen, and learn, or not.

Thursday Thom Hartmann had as his first hour guest, Paul Craig Roberts, who like Wednesday's guest, Bruce Fein, served in the Reagan administration. Mr. Roberts served as Ronald Reagan's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and is known as the "Father of Reaganomics" .

In other words, Paul Craig Roberts, like Bruce Fein yesterday, is a 'true' conservative, and not some liberal-patsy that Hartmann invites on his radio show to validate his position.

Roberts doesn't mince words on what has happened during the Bush reign and even gives some eerie comparisons of today and pre-WWII Germany - Right down to Bush's fondness and use of the term, 'Homeland'.

Hartmann also reads on air the new Executive Order Bush just issued two days ago that clearly violates numerous articles of the Constitution and should give anyone who is paying attention, serious cause for alarm.

When you read Bush's newly issued Executive Order, substitute, 'I, George W. Bush', with any murdering dictator that comes to mind, and if that juxtaposing doesn't give you pause, you probably need shearing.

Here's the audio, and today's lesson on how true Constitutional conservatism is a huge contrast with today's intellectually-challenged, 'social' conservatives, who dominate today's rightwing. It's a sad contrast.

And I wanted to add this last comment - After listening to Hartmann and Roberts yesterday I flipped the channel over to Limbaugh to hear his stimulating conversation and guess what his topic was? He was talking about some woman in Las Vegas going to court to get her baby's 'placenta' back so she could eat it. I kid you not.

And they wonder why they're so weak ...LOL!

Listen to Paul Craig Roberts, Bruce Fein and Thom Hartmann and pull your head out of your ass before George Bush has you pledging allegiance to his new 'Homeland'.