Poll: More Than 4 in 10 Americans Still Believe Saddam Involved with 9/11We all know how stupid Americans can be since 62 million of them voted for George Bush after he lied and led us into Iraq, was the first president since Herbert Hoover to go a full term in office with negative job growth and took the huge budget surplus that Clinton left him and turned into a $400 billion deficit. But it's still hard to imagine just how stupid people can be.
Nearly six years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., better than 4 in 10 Americans still wrongly believe that Saddam Hussein was involved in planning or carrying out the actions. Surprisingly, that number has even risen in the past two years, according to a Newsweek poll.
The belief that Saddam had something to do with 9/11, which was endorsed by Vice President Cheney and other Bush administration officials, was seen as a prime reason for broad public support for the attack on Iraq in 2003. Some have suggested that the media did not do enough to dispel this myth. President Bush and Cheney have belatedly declared that Iraq actually had nothing to do with it.
And when you have 5 million people a day listening to the drug-addicted perverted pedophile Rush Limbaugh, 20 million watching pay-per-view WWF Wrestling, and millions a day watching Fox News, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised that people are too stupid to realize how ignorant is to think that Saddam Hussein would have collaborated with one of his biggest enemies, Osama bin Laden.
It's embarrassing being an American sometimes.