Friday, June 29, 2007

Democrats will try to stop the bleeding

George Bush loses his power Saturday to seal "fast track" trade agreements without interference from Congress, where Democrats blame recent deals for sending U.S. jobs abroad.

Since 1975, only one other president, Bill Clinton, has been stripped of that trade promotion authority, designed to speed the reduction of trade barriers and open new markets with other countries. Bush won't get it back again, and the next president might not either.

House Democratic leaders, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Rep. Charles Rangel of New York, whose Ways and Means Committee handles trade policy, said in a written statement Friday that their legislative priorities "do not include the renewal of fast track authority."

"Before that debate can even begin, we must expand the benefits of globalization to all Americans," they said.
Our trade deficit is out-of-control. George hasn't done so well making his own deals without Congressional oversight.

Did you realize that the United States, the great powerful nation that once fed the world, is now "a net importer of food"?

How about some Chinese fish?

Time for Plan B.