Friday, June 22, 2007

What Free Market?

Are there any Democrats, liberals, moderates or independents that live in any of the following states?


None? Not even in Atlanta, Indianapolis, Little Rock or Knoxville? None in Connecticut or Delaware?

How about Dallas and Houston, Texas? Or St. Louis, Missouri? Las Vegas? How about the state of Florida anywhere north of Daytona Beach? Are there any Democrats that live in any of those areas? Any moderates or independents?

Of course there are. A lot of people other than 'conservatives' [sic] live in those states and cities and I'd venture to say that at least 50% of the people who live in those areas fit that category.

So then why doesn't Ed Schultz have a single radio station in any of those areas? There's no 'market' for the number 1 progressive radio talk show host in all those entire states and cities? Here's a guy who beats Sean Hannity head-up in Denver, Seattle, Portland and San Diego but he can't get a good audience in Atlanta, St. Louis or Las Vegas?

Doesn't sound like a 'free market' to me and do you know why? Because it's not. It is a small group of conservative owners who are monopolizing the public airwaves. If they were 'fair' and really driven by wanting to make a buck you can't say with a straight face that they wouldn't squeeze the Ed Schultz Show somewhere into their line-up to capture that segment of the population.

Progressive radio is shut out of those areas not because of the 'market'.

Expand the ownership and licensing of new radio stations and you will have a 'free market'.