After 6 1/2 years of ridiculing Bill Clinton's Agreed Framework policy with North Korea, the Bush administration, war-mongering neocons, and rabid Clinton-haters, now embarrassingly have to admit it was the best policy all along. Man, that grinds their asses!
More waste
CNN reported Thursday that the Secret Service expects President Bush to be "a high value terrorist target after he leaves office." They then showed the Secret Service practicing to deal with everything from James Bond-style stealth weapons to roadside IED's in order to meet that challenge. Even before 9/11, the cost of protection for former presidents was estimated as $24 million a year, and Bush will be guarded by an unprecedented 103 full-time agents starting in January 2009. However, a 1997 law limits the duration of Secret Service protection for former presidents to just 10 years.
A 103 full-time agents? He's going to need all that protection.
Oh shit, if this was Hillary!

Now you've pissed them off!
The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Friday to prohibit any aid to Saudi Arabia as lawmakers accused the close ally of religious intolerance and bankrolling terrorist organizations. In the past three years, Congress has passed bills to stop the relatively small amount of U.S. aid to Saudi Arabia, only to see the Bush administration circumvent the prohibitions. - Poor George and Dick - now they can't funnel any more of our taxpayers' money back to their Saudi buddies.
...only the outlaws would...

Make love, not war

He's a smart man
"Al Franken won Ben Stein’s money — and high-dollar contributions from scads of other celebrities in his bid for Minnesota’s Democratic Senate nomination, according to Federal Election Commission reports," Nicole Duran reports for Roll Call. "Stein, who hosted the eponymous Comedy Central game show 'Win Ben Stein’s Money' for six years, gave the former 'Saturday Night Live' writer $1,000." Stein, a former speechwriter and lawyer for Republican Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, received criticism from the right for his support of the left-leaning Franken, revealed in his campaign's FEC report. At the Radio Equalizer, Brian Mahoney wanted to know what was "behind Ben Stein's bizarre contribution," and points to a "a sharp-eyed blogger" at Fraters Libertas who wrote the longtime Republican to find out why. The blogger asked Stein "why in the world do you want to stick up poor Minnesotans (and the rest of the country) with a comedian who fancies himself a second coming of secular St. Wellstone?" "Al is a close friend and one of the smartest people I have ever met," Stein told the blogger.
Get your checkbook out, dickhead
Following Vice President Dick Cheney's assertion that his office is not a part of the executive branch of the US government, Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) plans to introduce an amendment to the the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill to cut funding for Cheney's office. The amendment to the bill that sets the funding for the executive branch will be considered next week in the House of Representatives. "The Vice President has a choice to make. If he believes his legal case, his office has no business being funded as part of the executive branch," said Emanuel in a statement released to RAW STORY.
Pimped his ride

Don't forget to count Sgt. Sandoval
Sgt. Frank Sandoval was declared brain dead early Monday morning at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif. He never regained consciousness after a June 13 surgery to implant a prosthetic mold to replace a portion of his skull that was removed due to a combat injury that occurred in Iraq in November 2005. He was kept on life support until Wednesday's procedure.
What's Rudy going to run on now?
Former Environmental Protection Agency boss Christie Whitman says she urged Ground Zero workers to wear respirators, but then-Mayor Rudy Giuliani blocked her efforts. She also said city officials didn't want EPA workers wearing haz-mat suits because they "didn't want this image of a city falling apart." In an interview scheduled to run the day before Whitman testifies in front of Congress on Monday, she told WNBC-TV she warned the city of the risks almost every day. And she said she believes illnesses killing first responders can be blamed on the city's lack of action. "I'm not a scientist ... but I do [believe that]," she told WNBC's Brian Thompson.
Rudy 'Be Scared' Giuliani just lost 90% of his platform.
What a croc

No, the 'real debate' for the Goober in Chief is if he's lacking in the Y chromosome area. If you wear black socks with shorts you're questionable ... if you where 'crocs', there's not much doubt about it, you need some damn testosterone injections.
My kind of woman
"The Republicans are dead in the water, and we need to put our foot on their necks and drown them." -- Maxine Waters
Phantom Thunder
Ten thousand American troops closed in on hundreds of suspected al Qaeda militants [actually, they're 'al-Qaeda-Lite] in western Baqouba, in Diyala province, the fiercest battleground in Operation Phantom Thunder, in a multi-pronged attack that is the largest single military campaign of the Iraq war. Al Qaeda insurgents fled to Baqouba when the American troop surge arrived in Baghdad. This time, U.S. troops hope to capture or kill them in Baqouba so they don't have to do this again in yet another city.
The Limbaugh/HD Award
Wow! Gentlemen and ladies, our esteemed blue ribbon panel that selects the winner of the 'prestigious, but infamous', Limbaugh/HD Award, given here weekly [almost], has its first unanimous pick. A very easy selection, and as the entire panel stated, one who undeniably has that same tinge of 'pathologicalness' ... that bizarre tendency to just totally fabricate a lie out of nowhere, as the two namesakes of the award.
By the way, how's the water in Oklahoma?
Oklahoma's senator, Mr. James Inhofe, is in dire need of a psychiatrist. The stunt he pulled this week alone would qualify his ass for a straight-jacket, but he has a long history of just being crazy.
Inhofe told a tall tale on a Los Angeles radio station on Thursday of how he was, "going over to vote the other day," when he overheard [Hillary] Clinton and [Barbara] Boxer conspiring to rein in right wing talk radio".
You listened to that audio tape, didn't you? Thursday, Inhofe said that just "the other day" ... "he was walking with two very liberal gals", and overheard them bitching and moaning about conservative talk radio. That audio is very clear.
Drudge, Fox News, Malkin, Coulter, Bortz, Goebbels, Hannity, Himmler, World Nut Daily and all the frightened wingnut blogging lambs went ballistic! Those carpet-munching conspiratory commie bitches are coming after our talk radio!!! They screamed and wrote, 'over our cold dead chickenhawk bodies they will'!
Both Clinton and Boxer denied saying it. Drudge, Fox News, Malkin, Coulter, Bortz, Goebbels, Hannity, Himmler, World Nut Daily and all the frightened wingnut bloggers called them both 'lying carpet-munching conspiratory commie bitches', but then;
Old Crazy Jim Inhofe - the best Oklahoma has to offer, obviously (and Tom Coburn?!!*??) - called Neil Cavuto's show Friday with the punch line for the whopper he told the day earlier. Inhofe told Cavuto;
“I’ve been telling this story for three years and told this story 100 times. I have it memorized … I tell it the same way every time because it gets a very good reaction."Doh!
On Thursday, it was just the 'other day', but on Friday, he's told the same old tired lie '100 times over the last three years'? Don't these lying fools realize they're being recorded when they say this stuff?
Drudge, Fox News, Malkin, Coulter, Bortz, Goebbels, Hannity, Himmler, World Nut Daily and all the frightened wingnut blogging lambs sure have an awful lot retracting and apologizing to do.
Inhofe is a perfect match and a very worthy recipient of this week's award for liars ... In fact, as the panel's unanimous vote indicates, he may be the most worthy in the long history of this 'infamous' award ... He's at that same pathological level - at about the same stage of his obvious illness, as the paranoid schizophrenic liar, 'HD'.
Congratulations, Insane Okie. You are a perfect fit and - You are #17.
Past winners of the prestigious, but infamous,
Limbaugh/HD Award
Pro Liar - Tony 'Snowjob' Snow - 6/17/07
Mormon Moron - Mitt Romney - 6/10/07
Bye Week - 6/3/07
Commander Guy - George W. Bush - 5/27/07
Pat's Brother - Bay Buchanan - 5/20/07
Used car salesman - John Boehner - 5/13/07
Uncultured Wussy - Bill O'Reilly - 5/6/07
Mr. Overrated - Rudy Giuliani - 4/29/07
Turd Blossom - Karl Rove - 4/22/07
The Decider - George W. Bush - 4/15/07
Lying Chickenhawk VP - Dick Cheney - 4/8/07
Mr. Straight Talk - John McCain - 4/1/07
Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales - 3/25/07
Fox mouthpieces Sean Hannity and
Victoria Toensing - 3/18/07
Fox News guy - Brit Hume - 3/11/07
VA Secretary - Jim Nicholson - 3/4/07
Rep. Michele Bachmann - (R-MN) - 2/25/07