Friday, May 18, 2007

Iraqi 'security forces' have our back?

Three U.S. soldiers slaughtered in a grisly kidnapping-murder plot south of Baghdad last June were not properly protected during a mission that was not well planned or executed, a military investigation has concluded.

Two military officers have been relieved of their commands as a result of the litany of mistakes, but neither faced criminal charges, a military official familiar with the investigation told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

...A seven-page summary of the investigation provided to the AP also said it appears insurgents may have rehearsed the attack two days earlier, and that Iraqi security forces near the soldiers' outpost probably saw and heard the attack and "chose to not become an active participant in the attack on either side."
Right behind the 3,403 needless deaths, the 25,242 wounded or the $500 billion wasted in Iraq, the one thing that pisses me off most about Bush and his minions is how they have allowed the Iraqis to play us like fools.

They won't fight and they certainly won't stick their necks out for us. In fact, they'd shoot us in the back before they'd help us.
