"Senate negotiators from both parties announced Thursday that they had reached agreement on a comprehensive immigration bill that would offer legal status to most of the nation’s 12 million illegal immigrants while also toughening border security.Only 12 million? The U.S. population just surpassed 300 million last October...does that mean we're now at 312 million or were those 12 million 'undocumented' part of the 300?
...At the heart of the bill is a significant political trade-off. Democrats got a legalization program, which they have sought for many years. Republicans got a new “merit-based system of immigration,” intended to make the United States more competitive in a global economy".
I guess it's 'scoot the fuck over' - Again. I thought Ronnie Reagan's 1986 amnesty plan was the last time we were going to do this?
You know, if they're already included in the 300 million figure - maybe we won't have to scoot over.
Fruit and vegetables and construction costs are going to increase. 'Citizens' don't like getting screwed out of a good wage and benefits.
What the hell does the NY Times mean in the 2nd paragraph above when they say, "Republicans got a new “merit-based system of immigration,” intended to make the United States more competitive in a global economy"?
Republicans want a cheap labor force, period. Cut the bullshit.
And Democrats get our long sought after "legalization program"? What the hell does that mean? I didn't ask for that and the Democrats I know didn't either.
And the Goober in the White House wants 'comprehensive immigration', too, so we're going to get it.
But I don't know, is it 300 million or 312 million? Did we just have an overnight 4% increase in our population?
We have 'bi-partisan' support.
Scoot the fuck over and get out your wallet.