Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The Liar's Quorum blog posted a blog story touting their boy Bush's record with the Dow Jones hitting a record high of 13,090 today.

It's funny how those two little nazis over there at LQ always said the president didn't have anything to do with the Dow when Bill Clinton was in office. Of course, facts and consistency are not two of their strong points.

Did I ever tell you how the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) did while Bill Clinton was in office?

The Dow was at 3,253 the day Clinton took office and it was 10,588 the day he left office. That's an average annual increase of 28% over his eight years.

George Bush starts at 10,588 and today, 75 months later, it was at 13,090. That increase comes out to a little less than 3.8% per year.

Hey, 13,090 is a helluva lot better than 11,090 - But Dank, you need to remove your head from your Boy's ass and come up for some air.

[The 28% and the 3.8% are average annual percentages. If you 'compound' the numbers, the results are; Clinton-15.9% and Bush-3.25%-You get basically the same picture-not as drastic, but almost fivefold]