US 'very concerned' over Iran nuclear stepsNow I don't want to see Iran develop a nuclear weapon anymore than anybody else in this country. But I don't like the fact that Pakistan, Israel, India, China, Russia, France or Britain already have them, either.
The White House said Monday it was "very concerned" about Iran's claim that it was producing enriched uranium on an industrial scale and warned against "unacceptable" limits on Tehran's cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog.
U.S. to upgrade its 6,000 nuclear warheads
Officials at the U.S. Strategic Command, which controls the nation's nuclear weapons from its Offutt Air Force Base headquarters, say it's time to start developing a new generation of warheads.
I believe that the U.S. has to do everything possible to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb. I have in fact written a couple of overly hawkish blog stories on taking out Iran's uranium enrichment capabilities. 'Overly hawkish' because as it turned out, Elbaradei was wrong and the Iranians were not 'months away' from having 'the bomb'.
But nonetheless, we need to be cognizant of the fact that Iran could have a nuclear bomb in a few years. And that's not acceptable in my opinion.
But I really don't think that we should be talking about building new, bigger and better nuclear warheads while we are at the same time trying to convince the Iranians that they should not have any.
We have 6,000 nuclear warheads. You could vaporize Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn with 6,000 nuclear warheads!
What if he we told Russia, China, Israel, Pakistan, India, France and Great Britain that instead of going through all of the expense of replacing our nukes that we would get rid of all of them if they all did the same? We could make it so that no country could refuse open inspections of any site by the rest of the world. If any country is caught sandbagging the rest of the world gangs up on them and beats them down and destroys their weapons.
The United States would not have anything to fear from this because of course, our military can whip any five countries in a conventional war. In fact, this would strengthen us as a country. We are unbeatable in conventional warfare - but we could be devastated by a rogue nuclear bomb.
It's a good time to stop the madness.