Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The incompetence abounds

We need a 'purge', not a surge!

I mentioned Sunday that Monica Goodling was from Regent University School of Law, which was founded by the Republicans' official and certified insane preacher, Pat Robertson. I made a crack that there should be new rules that no one from that university or Jerry Falwell's Liberty U., should be allowed to work in government.

And now it's reported that since Bush took office in 2001, he's hired 150 lawyers from Regent University to work for the federal government.

But these young Christian lawyers could be the best in the country, you say?

Regents University is considered a 'Tier 4' law school, and if my counting is correct, the 159th ranked law school in the nation by U.S. News & World Report.

Spin that one.