Saturday, April 21, 2007

George, we're stuck a little west of 'central'

“AQ Central”, operating freely in the "lawless tribal areas of Pakistan" - Well east of where we're deployed - is busy planning more attacks.

For well over four years we've been told, "Iraq is now the central front" on the 'war on terror'.

While we now enter our 50th month stuck in a quagmire refereeing thousand year differences, the 'real' enemy, those who attacked us on 9/11 and those who still support them, are regrouping and getting stronger in Pakistan.

Helluva job.

Al-Qaeda seeks to expand its operations
By Stephen Fidler and Roula Khalaf in London

April 20 2007 22:02

Al-Qaeda is reaching out from its base in Pakistan to turn militant Islamist groups in the Middle East and Africa into franchises charged with intensifying attacks on western targets, according to European officials and terrorism specialists.

The development could see radical groups use al-Qaeda expertise to switch their attention from local targets to western interests in their countries and abroad. “For al-Qaeda, this is a force multiplier,” said a British official who follows terrorism.

One of the first signs of the development was an announcement on September 11 last year by Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s number two, of a “merger” between al-Qaeda in the Maghreb and Algeria’s Salafist Group for Call and Combat, known by its French initials, GSPC. ...continued