Ford CEO saves President Bush’s life.
Ford CEO Alan Mulally tells reporters that he had to run over and stop George Bush from plugging an electrical cord into the hydrogen tank of a hybrid car at the White House last week.

“I just thought, ‘Oh my goodness!’ So, I started walking faster, and the President walked faster and he got to the cord before I did. I violated all the protocols. I touched the President. I grabbed his arm and I moved him up to the front,” Mulally said. “I wanted the president to make sure he plugged into the electricity, not into the hydrogen This is all off the record, right?”
Mr. Mulally had a bad week with all the publicity about him earning $28 million in his first four months as the new CEO of Ford. From the looks of that picture he had a great opportunity for a nice "twofer" to more than earn it, but he blew it. That's unfortunate.
Is Bush a dangerous idiot, or what?
Detroit News through Think Progress
Update-According to Keith Olberman tonight, Mulally, for some odd reason, made this story up. Doesn't change the fact that George Bush is a dangerous idiot, though. You can check with the parents of the 3,275 Americans who have died needlessly in Iraq to verify that.