Friday, April 20, 2007

The Bush Legacy

The next U.S. president will have a tough job turning around the world's opinion of America

The results are now in. Whoever becomes president on Jan. 20, 2009, the next leader of the free world may face a task akin to taking over command of the Titanic. After the iceberg.

...To compare 1999 State Department data with recent surveys by the Pew Trust, favorable views of the United States have dropped in Britain from 83 percent to 56 percent, in Germany from 78 percent to 37 percent, in Morocco from 77 percent to 49 percent, in Indonesia from 75 to 30 percent, in France from 62 to 39 percent, in Turkey from 62 to 12 percent and in Spain from 50 to 23 percent.
This is what we can thank the 62 million fools who voted to re-elect George Bush in 2004.

Sure, he did most of the damage to the United States in his first four years, but then again, that just makes the 62 million people who voted to re-elect him, that much dumber, now doesn't it?