Saturday, April 07, 2007

And why the "right, Dana?"

Dana Says:
April 4th, 2006 at 6:05 pm

Hank: are you and lycfyg the same person?

Hank Dagny Says:
April 5th, 2006 at 5:38 am

Great question and one that is asked sometimes. We usually use the same computer.
I almost always write. Lycfyg almost always comments - both on this site and represents LQ on the other blogs around the world. We sometimes get lazy and forget to log in under our ownames, hence one name at the top and a different one at the bottom. We blame the webmaster Fourputt for making us log in separately every time and he blames us for being lazy. He is right but we still don’t like it.
Hank and Fourputt represent LQ to the liberal media and press (the old media).
Lycfyg is just a little too - shall we say upset with liberals, to discuss things any more. Lycfyg thinks the time of trying to educate liberals is way past over. He firmly believes Democrats are THE enemy. They are cheating at the ballot box and spreading propaganda through the old media. He wants a civil war now to settle it.
He is correct on what the Democrats are doing, but I am still taking the ‘liberal’ path of appeasement with liberals in this country who are no longer acting like Americans. I think some education with heavy doses of common sense will wake them up and get them of the drug of empty promises that is liberalism-socialism-communism. I still think the Democratic Party can be eradicated thru peaceful means. Much like the Soviet Union, the Democratic Party is very close to destruction.
Lycfyg says that the fact that the DNC is so close to the end is exactly why they are dangerous. They no longer play by any rules.
He is right again, but I will keep my faith in my fellow Americans to do the right thing when the time comes. And it is coming very soon.
Thanks for the question Dana – Hank Dagny
Dana, did you really fall for this answer? LOL!