Friday, February 09, 2007

To Hell with that, I ain't going!

Many State Department employees “have outright refused repeated requests that they go to Iraq, while others have demanded that they be assigned only to Baghdad and not be sent outside the more secure Green Zone.” The employees who do sign up for Iraq duty have “tended to be younger, more entry-level types, and not experienced, seasoned diplomats.”

"... the White House is calling for more American civilians to head not only to those countries, but also to some of their most hostile regions — including Iraq’s volatile Anbar Province..."

Hey, come on, we can't find enough unemployed, or under-employed wingnuts to take these exciting jobs in Anbar Province?

I'm sure the pay is great and there's no age limit for all the chickenshits who claim they would love to serve if only they were a couple of years younger.

Just Google the State Department-I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you....

yeah, I know..go get your blankey