Thursday, February 22, 2007

This is the best thing for Democrats in 2008

It's great to see Cheney rile up the Republican base against John McCain since McCain is the only Republican that can beat the Democratic nominee in 2008.

Unless of course, Chuck Hagel decided to enter the race but then again, the Republican base, the Neanderthals, wouldn't nominate Hagel either.

It's early, but I'm still pulling for a Feingold/Hagel, Feingold/Dorgan or Feingold/Richardson ticket.
Cheney disagrees with McCain on Rumsfeld

Dick Cheney on Wednesday challenged GOP presidential hopeful John McCain's assertion that Donald H. Rumsfeld was one of the country's worst defense secretaries.

"John's entitled to his opinion. I just think he's wrong," said Cheney, a friend of Rumsfeld. He also disclosed that the Arizona senator had apologized to him for a previous comment that the vice president had "badly served" President Bush on Iraq.

"John said some nasty things about me the other day, and then next time he saw me, ran over to me and apologized. Maybe he'll apologize to Rumsfeld," Cheney said in an interview with ABC News.

McCain's campaign declined to comment on Cheney's remarks.

Despite having low job approval numbers overall, the vice president continues to be very popular among rank-and-file Republicans, and many of them are likely to vote in next year's GOP presidential caucuses and primaries.