Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Screwed up Cheney's photo-op

After being snowed in over night and being knocked out of his scheduled photo-op with Hamid Karzai in Kabul, Dick Cheney saw the only combat action he’s ever seen when Bagram AFB was attacked by suspected Taliban this morning.

Rumor has it that after hosing Cheney down from soiling himself from the attack, he was able to catch a ride after this morning’s incident to his photo-op with Karzai in Kabul – Leaving only 23 at Bagram AFB who died instead of the Taliban’s real target.
KABUL, Afghanistan – After getting a taste of the terrorism that threatens the Afghan government, Vice President Dick Cheney, attempting to give assurances that the United States will stand by Afghanistan, insisted that political leaders in the U.S. calling for a withdrawal of military forces from Iraq will leave countries in this part of the world vulnerable to dangerous "consequences.''

The vice president—who became the most senior member of the Bush administration to spend the night in a war zone after poor weather delayed his trip into Kabul—also came up against some of the violence that threatens the young government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai. At least 23 people died and many more were wounded when a suicide bomber attacked the main gate of Bagram Air Force Base on the morning that Cheney awoke at the vast air base nestled in the mountains.