Friday, February 23, 2007

Punk rocker may work for Giuliani campaign

"Jimmy Camp, a tattooed punk rocker with a history of drug abuse and theft, is one of California's most reliable Republican political operatives, according to a column in Tuesday's Orange County Register.

According to Mickadeit, Camp has led a life less conventional than that of most political operatives -- one laced with substance abuse and violent encounters. "Drinking heavily and doing drugs, he'd get into fights with the punk-hating surfers. He remembers waking up after one fight to discover he had a smashed eye socket," writes Mickadeit.

Camp is currently monitoring a recount in a supervisor race, but expects to work on Republican Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani's California campaign".
Rudy is going to piss off the evangelicals' Pope, Pat Robertson, with this one.

Check out Rudy's new campaign buddy here at
The Raw Story. - Not going to play well in South Carolina or Georgia, Rudy.

Damn, a punk-rocker and an Al-Qadea supporter all in the same week.