Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Does 'Murph' hate our troops, too?

I watched a really good segment on Olbermann Tuesday night with the baby-faced, former Iraq War Captain and paratrooper of the 82nd Airborne, and newly-elected Democratic Congressman from Pennsylvania, Patrick Murphy.

Congressman Murphy told of how our troops, both Army and Marines are being deployed early to Iraq without the proper desert training and other exercises needed, because of the rush to Iraq as part of the additional 22,000 needed for the 'surge'.

At the "Army' link you will find a quote, - "U.S. military leaders are banking that the benefits of the Stryker troops’ arrival in Iraq a few weeks ahead of schedule will outweigh the risk that they might not be as well-prepared", - that I find simply ridiculous! I bet that goddamn line wasn't in any of those recruiting commercials!

Former Capt. Murphy also talked of a recent visit he made to Afghanistan where he met up with General McNeal (ph), who Murphy once served under, and he asked the general what he needed. The general replied, 'Murph, I need four more battalions, 1 British and 3 American, so we can hold off the spring offensive'.

And as 'Murph' pointed out, the British have come through with their 1,000, but the General is still waiting for Bush to send him the rest.

We're fighting the wrong war! Congressman Murphy will flat-out tell you that's true.

Does Murph 'hate our troops', too?