Saturday, February 24, 2007

Britain figured it out

Britain to increase troop levels in Afghanistan

Within a matter of weeks Britain and Tony 'the Poodle' Blair will have more troops in Afghanistan than what they will have remaining in Iraq.

During the 2003 invasion there were 40,000 British troops in Iraq.

Blair's earlier announcement this week that Britain would reduce their remaining 7,100 troops in Iraq by 1,600, along with this announcement that they will increase their forces in Afghanistan to 6,000, is a pretty clear indication the British people, or at least, the Poodle, finally get it.

I wish we would.

Actually, Afghanistan should have been a moot point long ago - We should have finished up our problems with them way back in 2002. We could have mopped up there, been home and had a lot more money, and a lot less agony, to show for it.

LONDON: Britain said Friday it would send additional troops to southern Afghanistan in response to NATO's call to bolster forces in the region.

Defense Minister Des Browne confirmed the deployment in a statement late Friday — two days after Prime Minister Tony Blair told lawmakers that Britain would withdraw 1,600 of its soldiers from Iraq in coming months.

British media said, however, that 1,000 more soldiers were to be sent. The defense ministry refused to confirm that number.

The government announced on Feb. 1 that it would send 800 more troops to Afghanistan. It was immediately unclear if that number was included in the 1,000 that media reports said would be sent.

Britain has more than 5,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, concentrated in volatile southern Helmand province. In all, NATO has about 35,000 troops in and around Afghanistan.