Scooter Libby lied to the FBI because he was worried he might face criminal charges for blowing a CIA employee's cover, prosecutors said on Tuesday as his perjury trial drew to a close.Libby's attorney, Wells, being the actor he is, faked some sobbing before the jury today and muttered some crap about poor Scooter's wife. Who the fuck cares?
But Lewis "Scooter" Libby's defense team told the jury the government had failed to prove that he lied on purpose, and defense attorney Theodore Wells asked jurors to set aside politics as they weighed Libby's fate.
"Don't sacrifice Scooter Libby for the way you might feel about the Bush administration or how you might feel about the war in Iraq," Wells said.
Defense lawyers called no witnesses to bolster their claim that Libby had been sacrificed to protect other White House employees deemed more valuable, like political guru Karl Rove.
But Wells said a handwritten note by Cheney submitted as evidence was proof that Libby had to appeal to his boss after being rebuffed by others at the White House.
"They sure didn't treat him like he was part of the team," Wells said.
Libby committed a blatant act of treason by outing a covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame-Wilson, an agent who was working on non-proliferation of Iran's nuclear capabilities - like we couldn't use her services right now - and he should be convicted and sentenced to the maximum of 30 years in prison.
Let George Bush pardon this treasonous piece of shit. In fact, we welcome a pardon. And hopefully that pardon will come around September or October of 2008. That way it will be fresh in the minds of the American public that the Bush administration would stoop to anything, even treason, to cover up their lies that took us to Iraq.
We look forward to that day.