White House Press Secretary Tony Snow stated that “the president certainly has been aware of the conditions in the wards where he has visited, and visited regularly.” Snow also affirmed that the administration was aware of Walter Reed’s conditions “before the articles appeared in the paper.”When you let them talk long enough the truth eventually will come out. Bush has known about the dilapidated conditions our wounded Vets have been in and he's done nothing about it until now that Dana Priest at the Washington Post has reported it and embarrassed him with it.
The Army began repairs on the facilities yesterday, only after the media reports and intense public criticism. Apparently, Bush is fine with U.S. troops living in squalid conditions — as long as no one else knows about it.
(The Progress Report has more on the state of veterans under the Bush administration. Read it and sign up to receive the newsletter HERE.)
This is just another clear indication that the phony-patriots on the right couldn't care less about our wounded men and women since they can no longer fight their lying and unnecessary war anymore.
And of course, who do you think is now going to make Bush and the Republicans keep their promise to our Veterans? Yes, you guessed it, the Democrats! You see, the Republicans think the way you support our troops is by buying some cheap, three dollar, made in China decal, so they can ride down the road like they're a bunch of goddamn patriots!
How far do you think the $2.7 billion that Halliburton ripped us for could have gone to renovate Walter Reed Hospital? Or better yet, what could we have done for our wounded combat vets with the $12 billion L. Paul Bremer can't account for?
But Bush and his ilk, those who have blindly supported him, don't care about our veterans and Bush has proven that by cutting their benefits when they now need them more than ever. They just want our military to shut up, don't ask questions, and don't complain.
It's a national disgrace and we're not going to let them get away with it! If you're still supporting George Bush, then you are not supporting the troops. Period.