Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bush surprised there's 17 million Shiites in Iraq

From today's news conference

Text of Bush on Wednesday, as transcribed by CQ Transcriptions.

Q: Thank you, Mr. President. You seem a little surprised today that Iran is supplying the Iraqis with weapons that are killing our service men and women. You are aware sir, that Iraq has over 17 million Shiites who have been aligned with Iran for centuries, aren't you?

BUSH: Well, thank you, Peter. No, I don't think your numbers are correct. Iraq is an Arab country and of course, like our friends in Saudi Arabia, those are Sunni Muslims.

Q: But no, sir, those numbers are correct. Iraq has 27 million people and it's estimated that as high as 65% of them are actually Shiites. And as you know sir, Iran has a population of 70 million and 90% of them are Shia. .... And Mr. President, if I may, you do remember when your father was vice-president under Reagan, and president himself, he supplied Saddam Hussein, a Sunni, with mustard gas, anthrax and botulism so they could kill more of those Shiites from Iran, correct?

Bush: Peter, I'm sorry, those statistics are not on my notes here so I'll have to get back with you on that. Listen, thank you for your time. Enjoyed it very much.