If approved by Congress, the request would boost U.S. defense outlays next year past the combined totals of the rest of the world, according to figures compiled by Globalsecurity.org, a Web site that tracks worldwide defense spending".
"The costs of Iraq and Afghanistan aren't even included in the $481 billion the Pentagon demands for 2008, a 10 percent raise over this year. Total these figures up and Bush is asking for roughly $745 billion in defense spending, a higher number, when adjusted for inflation, than the entire cost of the Vietnam War.George Bush isn't a miserable failure? Who are we defending ourselves from in Iraq? The Iraq war isn't even constitutional-the Constitution specifically and clearly states 'defense', and this war was long ago proven not to be about defending the United States. Bush should be forced to leave Iraq - By any means necessary.
Just pause and consider the size of that number. Three-quarters of a trillion dollars and Osama bin Laden is still at large, the Taliban are regrouping in Afghanistan and the US military is stuck in a civil war in Iraq.
"We have the largest Pentagon budget since World War II, but we are losing to an opponent in Iraq that spends less over an entire year than what we spend in one day," says Winslow Wheeler, a longtime defense expert at the Center for Defense Information".