Thursday, February 15, 2007

After 5 years of idiocy, Bush will adopt Clinton's North Korea policy

How deal on Korea nuclear program was cut

The complex agreement for halting North Korea's nuclear weapons program emerged only after each side agreed to do something that, until the announcement on Tuesday, had seemed all but impossible.

The deal announced in Beijing on Tuesday has many elements in common with a 1994 accord with North Korea, called the Agreed Framework, that collapsed with bitter exchanges in 2002 after the Bush administration said Pyongyang was cheating.

Now, as was the case in 1994, the overall package offers the desperately poor North fuel oil and other economic assistance in return for shutting its nuclear weapons plants.
George Bush is an absolute idiot and a miserable failure as a leader. After five years of stupidity and whining from this administration about Bill Clinton's Agreed Framework Policy, they have finally figured out it was the best policy in the first place. Nothing like wasting five years and carrying on with all the nonsensical saber rattling.

If only the idiot had done that on all of Clinton's policies, we'd be a hell of a lot better off now for it.

Don't believe it? Read the next post