Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Shut up and get in line!

"Boosting U.S. troop levels in Iraq by 21,500 would create major logistical hurdles for the Army and Marine Corps, which are short thousands of vehicles, armor kits and other equipment needed to supply the extra forces, U.S. officials said.

President Bush's plan to send five additional U.S. combat brigades into Iraq has left the Army and Marines scrambling to ensure that the troops could be supported with the necessary armored vehicles, jamming devices, radios and other gear, as well as lodging and other logistics.

Trucks are in particularly short supply. For example, the Army would need 1,500 specially outfitted -- known as "up-armored" -- 2 1/2 -ton and five-ton trucks in Iraq for the incoming units, said Lt. Gen. Stephen Speakes, the Army's deputy chief of staff for force development.

"We don't have the [armor] kits, and we don't have the trucks," Speakes said in an interview. He said it will take the Army months, probably until summer, to supply and outfit the additional trucks. As a result, he said, combat units flowing into Iraq would have to share the trucks..."
I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of all the whining coming from our soldiers and marines!

How in the hell do they think we can cut taxes, pay Halliburton and give them every goddamn little thing they request every time they feel a little put out?

As Field Marshall Rumsfeld said so eloquently back a couple of years, "You go to war with what you're stuck with", so shut-up, patrol those streets, guard those banks and do your part for democracy in the middle east!