Thursday, November 02, 2006

My family and John Kerry

From a grieving brother...Bush, Cheney, Snow, McCain, among others, one simple message: Go to hell.

"Only one politician from outside the state contacted us, and that was John Kerry. At Russ' funeral, the only two politicians who attended were Lynch and Kerry (no, cynics, he didn't advertise his appearance or make any statements to the media about it, so don't suggest he did it to win votes).

Since the funeral, a couple of our congressmen have followed up a little with our family. So has Lynch. So has Kerry. He has called my mother on multiple occaisions and offered to do anything he can to help us.

In short, he was there for my family, the family of a fallen soldier. He continues to be there for us, and has offered to do more".

continued-from the Daily Kos