Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mr. Man-on-Dog

Of all Rick Santorum's colorful dramatic episodes, there is one that has crystallized his unique approach to politics. In 2003, during an otherwise routine interview with a female reporter from the Associated Press, the Pennsylvania Republican startled her by spontaneously suggesting that repeal of laws banning sodomy would lead to "man-on-dog" sex. "I'm sorry, I didn't think I was going to be talking about 'man-on-dog' with a United States senator," the reporter interjected. "It's sort of freaking me out." He hasn't played the bestiality card on the campaign trail this fall, but Santorum has been immortalized as "Mr. Man-on-Dog," a moniker that symbolizes the countless hyperbolic maledictions he has issued against liberal evildoers.

The Nation
There's no bigger asshole in the Senate than Rick Santorum. He epitomizes what Republicans truly are; Hypocritical sleazebags.