UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 18 -- President Bush has decided to name Andrew Natsios, a former administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, as his special envoy for Darfur in the hope of reviving a diplomatic effort to end a 3 1/2 -year spree of violence in Sudan that has left hundreds of thousands dead, according to senior administration officials.George Bush once again showed that his incompetence is still his strongest attribute when today he announced Andrew Natsios will be his special envoy for Darfur.
Who is Andrew Natsios you ask? Remember the guy who said unequivocally that the cost of the reconstruction of Iraq would cost American taxpayers '$1.7 billion' and not a dime more?
Right. And these are the type of people who continue to get plum assignments and promotions within the Bush administration.
That about say's it all, I'm afraid.