Sunday, March 03, 2013

That drunken fool can't count either!
If it's Sunday...

"I've been in this House for 20-22 years now and every President has kicked this can down the road."

John Boehner showed his ignorance on Meet the Press this morning with that statement. Let's not allow blatant lies from these wingnut liars when it come to recent history. Twelve years ago when Bill Clinton handed off to George W. Bush and the Republican controlled Congress we not only had a $200 billion budget surplus, we were projected to have accumulated surpluses over the following ten years of $5.6 TRILLION!

Now Boehner, you bankrupting assholes from the Right don't get to write your own history. From Ronald Reagan on, you've fucked this country royally.

*That 'quote' from Boehner is not verbatim.