Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hillary destroys the Phonies

Freshman Democratic Senator Murphy says it best!

I was able to watch quite a bit of Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi today and I think it's possible that John McCain's face may never go back to white from pink and Wisconsin teabagger, Ron Johnson, will forever be impotent after Hillary slammed their hateful, phony asses.

But, the absolute best statement of the day came from Connecticut's freshman Senator, Chris Murphy, when he slammed McCain, Johnson and Rand (little Annie) Paul when he said;
"If some people on this committee want to call this tragedy the worst since 9/11, it misunderstands the nature of 4000 plus Americans lost in the War in Iraq under false pretenses."
It doesn't get any better than that. It's despicable that all of the same teabaggers who act so appalled by Benghazi are the same fucking punks who said absolutely nothing when our 4,500 men and women died needlessly in Iraq because they didn't give a damn about the lies from those they supported. Right on, Senator - great job!

Hillary kicked your asses, teabaggers. Get used to it.

UPDATE: Thumb-sucking little Rand admits he's a hyperbolic nutjob who is now aware that 4,500 deaths and 32,000 wounded is a little more than four deaths.