Sunday, April 12, 2020

Does Dumbass know the Post Office is the only company mentioned in the United States Constitution?

White House rejects bailout for U.S. Postal Service

I can hardly take this fucking idiot anymore. As many of you who read this blog know, I didn't vote for Trump in 2016. I didn't vote for Hillary either. For the first time in 44 years I didn't vote. Yeah, I'll hold my nose and vote for the Village Idiot in November but that's only because we can't survive as a nation with what as become the current Democrat Party.

The United States Post Office is the only company mentioned in our Constitution. Thank you, Ben Franklin. Trump is by far the dumbest motherfucker to ever be our President. He needs to shut the fuck up. Re-elect his stupid ass - immediately impeach him and lets hand it over to Pence.

Lay off the Post Office, dumbfuck! Those people do more work in a week than you've done in your entire lifetime!