Thursday, September 20, 2018

Wow, that lying Dingbat sure recanted that phony story awfully quick!

...But you won't catch that update of facts on CNN...
Cristina King Miranda

“The incident DID happen, many of us heard about it in school.”
Women don't lie and falsely accuse anybody.  This old friend of the mysterious, 'Dr.' Ford,  Ms. Cristina King Miranda, came out and told the media yesterday that Brett Kavanaugh mauling school girl Christine Blasey back in high school was old news.  Everybody talked about it she said.  But then oops, people who care about the truth realized that 'Dr.' Ford through her attorney has said unequivocally that she had told NO ONE until 2012.

That's when Ms. King Miranda realized, oh shit, that could be perjury!  So now she's no longer wanting to talk to any media and her latest statement is, "That’s it. I don’t have more to say on the subject. Please don’t contact me further.”
Yeah, perjury, especially before the U.S. Congress is some serious shit. I'd go into hiding, too.  ...And women don't lie.  I'm going to go check CNN.