Monday, March 05, 2018

We better wake-up...we're not talking about blue jeans and bobble-heads!

'If you don’t have steel, you don’t have a country'
You know really, other than dropping a couple thousand bucks the other day on Trump's abrupt announcement of new steel and aluminum tariffs, I think it was long overdue. Look at that chart above; we're 5th in steel production?!!? Fucking China, those slimy motherfuckers produce half of the world's steel. And why is that you think? Because they pay their workers slave level wages and pollute like the creeps they are. Fuck China.

And if and when the shit ever breaks out with those scumbags what would we do, call time-out so we could start manufacturing steel again? I have enough blue-jeans to last me 5 lifetimes. Re-build our steel industry! We're not a country without it.